The Almanac is an animated short containing 12 small short films. Each of them represents an allegory of a Month of the year. It is an atypical and unusual short, the result of a hard research and artistic experimentation lasted almost two years. Each small short film is made with a different animation technique and the various stories are narrated by a computerized voice. The Almanac is a great bazaar and inside it you will find everything: dreams, fears, good hopes and bad ideas, mistakes, anger and love. Be aware!
About a year ago, I found a big book in the labyrinth of my mind. It was written in a mysterious language and chock-full of phrases, projects, illustrations. It looked like a kind of bazaar containing a bit of everything: astronomy, robotics, social relations and other weird things. Looking more carefully, I realized that this book was divided into 12 chapters and each chapter corresponded to a month of the year. I called it
The Almanac.
January: I was just a line
February: Self-destructive partners
March: Archetypal conflict
April: Bazaar
May: Who could I have been?
June: Just a strange dream
July and August: Summer interlude
September: My magic trick
October: Like a child of the last Century
November: Entropy
December: Epilogue
Music by Maurilio Cacciatore, Al-Maranca, Gianfranco Rongo, Manuela Pasqui, Pasquale D'Amico
Prologue. About a year ago, I found a big book in the labyrinth of my mind. It was written in a mysterious language and chock-full of phrases, projects, illustrations. I called it The Almanac.
January: “I was just a line”. It represents the relationship between the artwork and the artist who creates it. The artwork that survives its creator.
February: “Self-destructive couple”. It is a purgatory of a couple of lovers who first love each other, then hate each other so much that they destroy themselves and die. In their purgatory they witness their destruction loops like in a theater. Emphasize destructive relationships and toxic people.
March: “Archetypal conflict”. Two artificial intelligences challenge each other: the first (woman) is good and wants to become human and she tries in every way. The second (male) is bad, cold and she wants to stop him. In the end, the woman wins over the man-machine. This episode hides female emancipation and the destruction of the phallocentric world.
April: “Bazaar”. It is simply a bazaar: a collection of jumbled things pressed into one place. In the various types of animation there is an allusion to the different experiences given by the various drugs.
May: "Who could I have been?" It represents the regret of a man who no longer knows who he is. It hides the mistakes made in life, suicide and family dramas.
June: "A strange dream": A woman dreams of a magical hula hoop inside which there is a sky. At some point she loses her circle and gets desperate, she searches for it in various dimensions of her dream but she doesn't find it and wakes up. It is a real dream that I had.
July and August: “Summer interlude”. It represents a woman’s summer love disappointment.
September: “My magic trick”. This episode is very special because the whole "The Almanac" was born from here. Each scene of this episode are dreams that I really had in the last 3/4 years and I stitched them together using the "fly map" device as glue. Many of these dreams concern some of you.
October: “Like a child of the last century”. Fun when there was no technology and you had fun with nothing.
November: “Entropy”. Life is entropy and in the end one dies irremediably (tribute to the month of the dead).
December “Epilogue”. All the knots come to a head and everything finally works out.
Written, animated, edited and directed Pasquale D'Amico
Music Maurilio Cacciatore, Al-Maranca, Gianfranco Rongo, Manuela Pasqui, Pasquale D'Amico
Audio Mastering Antonio Castiello (Jambona Lab)
Color and Vfx (February, September, December) Alberto Rodriguez
Actors Daniele and Enrico Sperti
Film Cover Davide “Dave” Ursini
Special thanks Francesco Lincesso, Pierpaolo Battocchio